25/10/2024 08:15
Tonner Drones réduit considérablement le taux d'intérêt sur la dette
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Tonner Drones réduit considérablement le taux d'intérêt sur la dette
Schiltigheim, le 25 octobre 2024 à 8h00, Tonner Drones ('la Société') a le plaisir d'annoncer qu'elle a
conclu un accord avec son créanciers pour réduire considérablement les taux d'intérêt.

La dette totale d'environ 1,75 M€ de la dette financière OS2 a été résiliée.
La dette OS2 avait un taux d'intérêt de 12% qui est maintenant ramené à un taux plus soutenable de 4% par
an. La nouvelle dette consiste en une obligation, combinée à des bons de souscription. Les caractéristiques
sont les suivantes:

• 17.296 obligations de 100 € chacune, pour un montant total de 1.7296.000 €.
• Taux d'intérêt 4%
• Échéance 30-6-2026
• Pour 100 € d'obligations, 100 € de BSA seront émis
• Ratio : 3 nouvelles actions pour 2 BSA
• Prix d'exercice des BSA 0,0125 €
• Le prix d'exercice des BSA contient une prime de 45% sur le dernier cours de clôture des actions

En cas d'exercice de tous les BSA, 207.552.200 actions seront émises au prix d'exercice de 0,0125 €. Cela
permettra de rembourser 75% de la dette et de générer 1.297.200 € de trésorerie pour la Société. Le PDG et
président du conseil d'administration, Diede van den Ouden, a participé à cette transaction pour environ 380.000
€. Toutes les dettes financières restantes sont en possession du PDG et du président du conseil
d'administration. Le CEO et président du conseil d'administration, Diede van den Ouden, a participé à cette
transaction pour environ 380.000 €. Toutes les dettes financières restantes sont en possession du PDG et
président du conseil d'administration.

« Je tiens à remercier nos investisseurs. Les investisseurs ont remarqué les bons progrès réalisés par la société
au cours des derniers mois. Ils reconnaissent la réduction des risques grâce à la baisse des taux d’intérêt et ils
sont confiants quant à la nouvelle stratégie », a déclaré Van den Ouden. « La réduction de ce taux d’intérêt
nous aidera à atteindre notre objectif de devenir rentables en 2025. »
Le placement des nouvelles obligations sera soumis à l’approbation du commissaire aux comptes.

Fin du communiqué de presse
À propos de Tonner Drones : Tonner Drones (anciennement Delta Drone) développe des technologies pour le secteur de
la logistique. Tonner Drones détient des participations importantes dans certains fabricants de drones français
prometteurs. La stratégie de Tonner Drones consiste à tirer parti de ses participations dans ces entreprises par le biais
d'une gestion active des actifs. Des revenus supplémentaires peuvent être générés par les redevances sur les brevets
détenus par Tonner Drones. Tonner Drones n'envisage pas de posséder une usine ; cependant, elle est déterminée à
conserver la R&D pour ses produits et systèmes en France.
En cas de doute, le texte anglais du communiqué fera foi.
Les actions de Tonner Drones sont cotées sur Euronext Growth Paris (code ISIN : FR001400H2X4).

Plus d'informations sur www.tonnerdrones.com: / contact@tonnerdrones.com
Drones Tonner
Diede van den Ouden
Communication financière


Concernant les mérites de toute transaction ou la prise de toute décision d'investissement. Il ne constitue ni n'inclut aucune confirmation ou
engagement de la part de Tonner Drones (ou de toute autre personne) concernant la valeur actuelle ou future des activités de TonnerDrones, de ses
titres, de ses filiales ou de tout autre actif de TonnerDrones.

Le présent communiqué de presse contient des déclarations prospectives fondées sur les convictions et les attentes actuelles concernant des
événements futurs. Ces déclarations prospectives peuvent inclure des projections et des estimations ainsi que les hypothèses sur lesquelles elles
reposent, des déclarations concernant des plans, des objectifs, des intentions et/ou des attentes concernant des résultats financiers, des événements,
des opérations et des services futurs et le développement de produits, ainsi que des déclarations concernant des performances ou des événements.
Ces déclarations sont généralement identifiées par les termes "s'attendre à", "anticiper", "croire", "avoir l'intention de", "estimer", "planifier",
"projeter", "pouvoir", "devoir" ou la forme négative de ces expressions et d'autres expressions similaires. Ces déclarations ne garantissent pas les
performances futures et sont soumises à des risques inhérents, des incertitudes et des hypothèses concernant TonnerDrones et ses filiales et
investissements, les tendances de leurs activités, les dépenses d'investissement et les acquisitions futures, les développements relatifs aux passifs
éventuels, les changements dans les conditions économiques mondiales ou les principaux marchés de TonnerDrones, les conditions concurrentielles
du marché et les facteurs réglementaires. La réalisation de ces événements est incertaine ; leur issue pourrait s'avérer différente de celle envisagée
aujourd'hui, ce qui est susceptible d'affecter de manière significative les résultats escomptés. Les résultats réels peuvent différer matériellement de
ceux anticipés ou sous-entendus dans ces déclarations prospectives. Toute déclaration prospective contenue dans le présent communiqué de presse
est faite à la date du présent communiqué de presse. Sauf si la loi applicable l'exige, TonnerDrones ne s'engage pas à réviser ou à mettre à jour les
déclarations prévisionnelles en tenant compte de nouvelles informations ou d'événements futurs.


Company Tonner Drones
Bonds (the “Bonds”) with warrants giving right to shares of the
Securities Company (the
“Warrants” and together the “Bonds with Warrants”).
Corporate The Bonds with Warrants will be issued under the 9th resolution of the
authorizatio shareholders’
ns meeting of the Company of 28 June 2024.
The Company shall commit to convene a board of directors on October
30, 2024 at the latest to issue the Bonds with Warrants under the
Shareholders authorization.
Period The Bonds with Warrants will be subscribed and issued on or before
October 30, 2024.
Notification All communications from the Company to the Investors will be delivered
to them by hand or notified to them by hand or by registered mail with
acknowledgement of receipt (or any equivalent process for international
notifications) to their respective addresses as shown on their account
opened in the Company's books. Each Investor may request that his
address be changed by notifying his new address to the
representative of the estate and to the Company.
Applicable law The Bonds with Warrants will be governed by French law.
Any dispute to which the Contract may give rise or which may result from it
and which has not been settled amicably shall be submitted in the first
instance to the Commercial
Court of Paris.
of the Bonds
Subscription The Bonds shall be subscribed at 100% of their par value, ie €100 per
Price Bond.
The subscription will be in cash or by set-off with claims resulting from
existing debts of the Company.
Form of Bonds The Bonds will be issued exclusively in registered form. The rights of each
Bondholder will be represented by an entry in the accounts opened in
their names respectively in
the Company's register.
Maturity The Bonds will mature on 30 June 2026.
Transferability The Bonds will be freely assignable and transferable by a minimum of
100 Bonds (unless the Bondholder holds less Bonds) (i) between each of
the Bondholders, (ii) to any entity controlled by them within the meaning
of Article L.233-3 of the French Commercial Code and/or (iii) to any third
party agreed by the Company. Any proposed transfer must be notified
to the Company in advance. Any transfer of the
Bonds will entail acceptance of all the terms of the issue and the
Interest Rate Four percent (4%) per annum paid on 30 June 2025 (on a prorata basis)
and 30 June 2026.
If the Company does not pay the sums due in respect of the performance
of a financial obligation under the Bonds, the Company already undertakes
to pay the Bondholders late payment interest calculated automatically on
the sums due on a pro rata temporis basis by applying the annual interest
rate of eight percent (8%) per annum.
Early The Company shall have the right to request the early redemption of the
Redemption outstanding Bonds at a price equal to 100% of the outstanding principal
b amount (plus any accrued
y interests).
the Company
Early The Bondholders may request the redemption in cash in principal and
redemption interest of all of the Bonds, following a bondholders meeting decision if
o any of the cases below has occurred and could not be cured by the
f the Bonds by Company during a 30-days period:
Bondholders - failure to pay annual interest by the Company to the Bondholders
within thirty
(30) days from the anniversary date of signature of the Loan,
- occurrence of a change of control, as defined in Article L.233-3 of
the French Commercial Code, of the Company or one of the
Company's subsidiaries,

-failure to approve the financial statements of the Company within
the legal deadlines,
- failure to certify the financial statements of the Company by the
statutory auditor(s) of the Company,
- opening of a procedure provided for in Book VI of the French
Commercial Code, liquidation of the Company or one of its
- occurrence of economic, financial and/or regulatory facts or
events that may have a significant and lasting adverse effect on the
financial condition of the Company and its subsidiaries as a
Protection Each Bondholder shall personally exercise the powers conferred by law on
o meetings of Bondholders. Its rights will be protected, in accordance with
f Bondholders the provisions of the Commercial Code.
The Bondholders are gathered into a single masse with legal personality.
The Bondholders will appoint a representative of the Bondholders'
masse (the "Bondholder Representative") in accordance with the law.
In the event of the convening of the meeting of the Bondholders, the
Bondholders will meet at the Company's registered office or at any other
place set out in the notice of meeting.
The decisions of the general meeting of the Bondholders masse will be
taken under the conditions of quorum and majority provided for by the
law and regulations in force. Each Bond shall give its holder one vote at
the general meeting of the estate.
Bondholders' Each of the Bondholders will have the right to information about the
right to Company's
information activity:
- the Company's certified parent company and annual consolidated
financial statements (balance sheet, income statement and notes),
accompanied by the statutory auditor's reports, no later than one
hundred and eighty (180) days after the end of each financial year;
- the reports of the board of directors and the statutory auditor of the
of the Warrants
Ratios To each Bond will be attached eight-thousands (8,000)
Warrants. The Warrants will be immediately detached.
If the nominal value of the shares is reduced, the Warrant holders will
consult with the management to arrange for an adjustment of the
Warrants so that the strike price and
the ratio are adjusted to achieve an equal proceeds from Warrants in
Form of the The Warrants will be in registered form.
Subscription The warrants will be allocated free of charge.
price of
Exercise Two (2) Warrants will give the right to subscribe for three (3) new
shares of the
Company with a nominal value of €0.0125 per share at a subscription price
y of the of €0.0125
warrants per share
Exercise price €0.0125 per new share. The subscription price of the Company's shares
of issued upon
the warrants exercise of the warrants must be paid up in full, at the time of the
exercise of the
warrants in cash. To exercise their Warrant, holders will have to
apply to the intermediary with whom their securities are registered.
Exercise period The Warrants will be exercisable at any time from the date of their grant
of the Warrants and up to and including 2 August 2027. The Warrants not exercised on
this date will lose all value
and will become null and void (the " Exercise Period").
Minimum Any request to exercise the Warrants must relate to a minimum of
Exercise Ratio 1,000,000 Warrants allowing the subscription to a minimum of 1.500.000
of new Tonner Drones shares.
the Warrants
Use of proceeds Upon exercise of the Warrants, 50% of the proceeds will be used to
reimburse existing ‘bonds with warrants issued by the Company, if any. (so,
this new bond will be (partly) reimbursed when warrants are being
Release of The new shares resulting from the exercise of the warrants must be fully
new shares paid up when they are subscribed. The new shares must be paid up in
subscribed cash.
upon exercise The new shares resulting from the exercise of the Warrants will carry
of the current dividend rights and will be listed on the same listing line as the old
warrants shares.
dividend date
Lapse of Warrants that have not been exercised by midnight on 2 August 2027 at
Warrants the latest will
lapse and lose all value.
Listing of the The Warrants will not be listed.
Exercise To exercise their Warrants, holders must make a request to the
procedures intermediary with which their securities are registered in an account. The
exercise request must relate to a minimum of 1,000,000 warrants
allowing the subscription for a minimum of 1,500,000 new Tonner
Drones shares.
In the event that a Warrant holder does not have a sufficient number of
Warrants to subscribe for a whole number of shares of the Company, he
must make it his business to acquire on the market the number of
Warrants necessary to subscribe for such a whole number of shares of
the Company. Fractional warrants may be sold on the market during their
listing period but will not give rise to the right to compensation of their
holders by the Company.
The centralizer of the exercise of the Warrants is provided by UPTEVIA
(Member Euroclear France N°23).
Delivery of The new shares of Tonner Drones resulting from the exercise of the
new warrants will be
shares delivered two business days following the end of the date of the
resulting from exercise request received by UPTEVIA and the validation of a calculation
the exercise of
the warrants
Suspension of In the event of the issuance of new equity securities or new transferable
the exercise of securities giving access to the Company's share capital, as well as in the
the Warrants event of a merger or demerger, the Board of Directors reserves the right
to suspend the exercise of the Warrants for a period that may not exceed
three months, as this option may not in any case cause the holders of the
Warrants to lose their rights to subscribe for new shares of the Society.
In this case, a notice will be published in the Bulletin des Annonces
Légales Obligatoires (BALO) at least seven days before the date of entry
into force of the suspension to inform the holders of the Warrants of the
date on which the exercise of the Warrants will be suspended and the date
on which it will resume. This information
will also be the subject of a notice published by Euronext Paris.
Protection of As of the issuance of the Warrants and as long as there are valid Warrants,
the rights of the rights of Warrant holders will be reserved under the conditions
Warrant provided for by the law and regulations in force and in particular by
holders Articles L. 228-98 et seq. of the French Commercial Code and in
- in the event of a capital reduction due to losses by reducing the
number of shares, the rights of the Warrant holders as to the
number of shares to be received on exercise of the Warrants will
be reduced accordingly as if the said holders had been
shareholders from the date of issue of the Warrants,
- in the event of a capital reduction motivated by losses by way of a
reduction in the nominal value of the shares, the subscription
price of the shares to which the Warrants entitle the warrants will
be equal to the nominal value of the share immediately before said
capital reduction, the issue premium being increased by the
amount of the decrease in the nominal value.
- in the event of a capital reduction not motivated by losses by way
of a reduction in the nominal value of the shares, the
subscription price of the shares to which the Warrants entitle the
warrants will be reduced accordingly,
- in the event of a capital reduction not motivated by losses by way
of a reduction in the number of shares, the holders of warrants,
if they exercise their warrants, may request the repurchase of
their shares under the same
conditions as if they had been shareholders at the time of the
Company's repurchase of its own shares.
In the event that, as long as the Warrants have not been exercised, the
Company carries out one of the operations mentioned below:
- issuance of equity securities with shareholders' preferential
subscription rights;
- capital depreciation;
- modification of the distribution of its profits, in particular by the
creation of preferred shares;
- distribution of reserves, in cash or in kind, and share premiums.
The Company must also inform Warrant holders of the completion of
the said transactions, as well as the protective measures it has decided to
put in place in their favor.
To this end, it must:
1° either enable the holders of Warrants to exercise them, if the conditions
of exercise defined by the Board of Directors of the Company are not
met, so that they can immediately participate in the transactions
mentioned in the first paragraph or benefit from them, in accordance with
the provisions of Article R. 228-87 of the French Commercial Code,
2° either take the measures that will allow them, if they exercise their
Warrants at a later date, to subscribe on an irreducible basis for the new
securities issued, or to obtain their allocation free of charge, or to receive
cash or property similar to those distributed, in the same quantities or
proportions and under the same conditions, except with regard to the
enjoyment, only if they had been, at the time of these transactions,
shareholders, in accordance with the provisions of Articles R. 228-88 and
R. 228-89 of the French Commercial Code,
3° either make an adjustment to the subscription conditions of the
shares whose issuance will result from the exercise of the Warrants
initially planned, so as to take into account the impact of the above-
mentioned transactions, provided that such an adjustment is possible
with regard to the conditions for the exercise of the Warrants decided by
the Company's Board of Directors; the adjustment would be made by
applying the method provided for in Article R. 228-91 of the French
Commercial Code, it being specified that the value of the preferential
subscription right as well as the value of the share before ex-subscription
rights would, if necessary, be determined by the Board of Directors on the
basis of the subscription, exchange or sale price per share chosen at the
time of the last transaction on the Company's capital (capital increase,
contribution of securities, sale of shares, etc.) during the six (6) months
preceding the meeting of the Board of Directors, or, in the absence of
such an operation during this period, according to any other financial
parameter that appears relevant to the Board of Directors.
The Company may take simultaneously the measures provided for in 1° and
2°. It may, in any case, replace them with the adjustment authorized in 3°
if such an adjustment is possible.
In the event of a merger by absorption of the Company, each Warrant
holder will be notified and will receive the same information as if he or
she were a shareholder in order to be able, if he or she wishes, to exercise
his or her right to subscribe for shares. The Company may modify its form,
its corporate purpose and the rules for the distribution of its profits, as
well as amortize its capital and issue preferred shares as
provided for in Article L. 228-98 of the French Commercial Code.

Masse of In accordance with Article L. 228-103 of the French Commercial Code, the
warrant holders of warrants will be grouped into a body with legal personality and
holders subject to provisions identical to those provided for in Articles L. 228-47 to
L.228-64, L. 228-66 and L. 228- 90 of the same Code.
Pursuant to Article L. 228-47 of the French Commercial Code, the
following is appointed as the sole representative of the body of Warrant
holders (the "Representative of the Masse of Warrant Holders"): Mr. Jelle
The Representative of the Mass of Warrant Holders will have, without
restriction or
reservation, the power to perform on behalf of the masse of Warrant
Holders all management acts for the defence of the common interests
of Warrant Holders.

He/she will exercise his functions until his resignation, his dismissal by
the general meeting of the holders of Warrants or the occurrence of an
incompatibility. His term of office shall automatically cease at the end of
a period of two months from the end of the Exercise Period. This term
shall, if necessary, be extended by operation of law, until the final
resolution of the ongoing proceedings in which the representative is
involved and the execution of the decisions or settlements reached.
The representative of the masse will not receive any remuneration.
Settlement Any holder of Warrants exercising their rights under the Warrants may
o subscribe for a number of new shares of the Company calculated by
f fractional applying the current exercise parity to the number of Warrants
shares presented.
When, as a result of the completion of one of the transactions mentioned
in the previous paragraph, the holder of Warrants exercising them is
entitled to a number of new shares forming a "fractional", he may request
that the following be allocated to him:
- or the immediately lower whole number of new shares; in this
case, the Company will pay him a cash balance equal to the
product of the fraction of the share forming "broken" by the value
of the share. The value of the share will be assessed on the basis
of the first quoted price of the Company's shares on Euronext
Growth Paris or on any other market on which the Company's
shares will be listed during the trading session preceding the date
of filing of the request to exercise the rights attached to the
- or the next higher whole number of new shares, on condition
that the
Company is paid a sum equal to the value of the additional fraction
of a share thus requested, valued on the basis provided for in the
preceding paragraph.
Informing In the event of an adjustment, the new conditions of exercise will be
warrant brought to the attention of the holders of warrants resulting from this
holders in the issue by means of a notice published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales
event of an Obligatoires (BALO).
adjustment The Executive Board will report on the calculation elements and the
results of the adjustment in the first annual report following the
Purchases by The Company reserves the right to make purchases of warrants on or off
the Company the stock exchange at any time, without limitation of price or quantity,
and or public offers to purchase or exchange warrants. Warrants purchased
cancellation of on or off the stock exchange or by way of public offers will cease to be
warrants considered as outstanding and will be cancelled,
in accordance with Article L.225-149-2 of the French Commercial Code.

Other None
and places
Date of issue The new shares will be issued as the warrants are exercised before August
of 2, 2027.
the new shares
Listing The new shares resulting from the exercise of the Warrants will be ordinary
an shares of the Company, of the same class as the existing shares of the
d nature of the Company. As soon as they are admitted to trading on the Euronext Growth
new shares Paris market, they will be assimilated to the Company's old shares.
resulting from The new shares resulting from the exercise of the Warrants will be subject
the exercise of to periodic applications for admission to trading on Euronext Growth
Paris and will be tradable on the same line as the existing old shares. They
the Warrants
will be traded under the same ISIN code as the Company's existing
shares, ISIN FR001400H2X4.
Publication At the end of the exercise period of the warrants, the Company will issue a
o press release indicating the number of new shares and the total
f results amount of funds raised by
subscription of the new shares resulting from the exercise of the warrants.
Dividend date The new shares resulting from the exercise of the warrants will carry
current dividend
rights and will be listed on the same listing line as the existing shares.
Form The new shares may be in registered or bearer form, at the option of the
Negotiability There is no clause in the articles of association limiting the free trading of
of new shares the shares
making up the Company's share capital. The new shares will therefore
be freely negotiable
Representation The Company has given representations and warranties that are
s customary for a
Press Release
of the Company transaction of this nature. These representations and warranties relate to
the following matters:
▪ the correct incorporation of the Company
▪ the composition of the share capital
▪ fair presentation of the financial statements and compliance with
accounting principles
▪ the absence of any liabilities other than those disclosed in
the financial statements
Confidentiality However, the Company will make a public announcement of the
transaction contemplated under this agreement as required by law or
Insider List
As from the date hereof, the Company shall register the Investor on a list of
occasional insiders up until the earliest of (i) the date of public
announcement of the transaction contemplated under this agreement,
and (ii) upon this letter becoming null and void in accordance with its